
It’s the time of year to think about those homemade Christmas gifts! Well, to be honest, I think about that subject all year long 😁.

I have struggled the last few years with those little gifts for neighbors and friends, you know - the ones that are usually fudge, fruitcake, and cookies? That present doesn’t seem appropriate now after sharing my recipe ideas for healthy eating habits and encouraging others to not eat processed foods! So off I went on a mission to find an alternative.

Thanks to, I found a recipe that properly suits my thoughts on gift giving. These candied pecans are cooked on the stovetop, and coated in organic coconut sugar and pure maple syrup. Yes there’s a few calories, it’s still sugar, but it is Whole30 and paleo, and contains only pure foods. And the best part - they are really good! These are simple to make, and the gift is made perfect when they are presented in a simply decorated container or jar! You have a gift that you can be proud of giving that includes encouragement for healthy holiday wishes!



2 tablespoons coconut sugar
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons coconut oil
2 cups unsalted pecan halves

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, waxed paper or greased foil and set beside your stove, you will need this handy as soon as the pecans are done. Whisk together coconut sugar, maple syrup, cinnamon and salt.

In a large cast iron or non-stick skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium low heat. Add the sugar mixture and stir until melted and smooth. Add the pecans and increase heat to medium, stirring constantly until pecans are thoroughly coated. Continue to stir for another 5 minutes allowing the pecans to soak in the sugar mixture. Watch closely, so as to not burn them, adjust your heat if necessary. After about 5 minutes the pecans will be sticky like taffy.

Pour the pecans onto the prepared baking sheet, creating an even layer, then allow to completely cool. Store in an airtight container.

Happy Giving Season - enjoy!


Chili Rellenos


Cooking for Thanksgiving