Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes


About the time I had decided artichokes were the best reason to have an instant pot, along came the idea of making mashed potatoes in the instant pot! So now, until I find the next amazing concept, mashed potatoes are the new best reason to have an instant pot!

I have owned an instant pot for a couple of years now and it seems like there are new recipes all the time. I may be slow in having tried potatoes, but there are just so many food ideas and so little time!


The cooking suggestion I had seen recommended cooking approximately 6-8 potatoes for 6 minutes. I had about 12-15 potatoes in the pot (not sure what army I was planning to cook for 🤪), and the cook time was set at 10 minutes. One cup of water or broth in the bottom, turn it on, and there you go. They came out perfect.

Keep in mind you can do this step early in the day, and just leave them in the pot for a couple of hours. The instant pot automatically goes into a “keep warm” cycle. Then, when you are preparing dinner, just mash them up in the pot and you are done.


If you are trying to keep things dairy free, leave the liquid in the bottom of the pot, blend for a bit and then decide whether or not you want to add more liquid to your consistency. Adding broth, coconut milk, oat milk, or ghee are some good healthy options. Salt and pepper to taste, maybe a little garlic or onion powder, oh the places you could go. If you aren’t dairy free, a handful of gorgonzola will bring a taste of heaven to your potatoes!

Enjoy this little kitchen tip to make your dinner preparation a bit easier!! No instant pot? It is time to start making that Christmas list! Oh, and that army I was cooking for? Potato pancakes the next day were tasty!


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