2022 Clean Shopping Guide

Well, it’s halfway through 2022 but better late than never right?!?!

Here is the current list for 2022 of The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen as published yearly by the Environmental Working Group. The Dirty Dozen list contains the vegetables and fruits that, during testing, have revealed the highest amount of toxic chemicals, and the Clean Fifteen are the top vegetables and fruits that have revealed none to little toxic chemical residue.

So if you have to make a choice between organic and non organic produce, these lists can help be your guide. One shopping tip is to save these two images to your photos, mark them as favorites, and you will easily be able to find these lists when you are shopping. Just this week I was shopping for red peppers, organic ones were $4.99 each and regular ones were $1.99 each! It is hard I know!!! That’s when the list comes in handy, pick your battles, some are important and some may not be worth it.

It is hard to stay healthy in this unhealthy world, but we can do our best to shop smart, eat smart, and remember that our food can be our medicine.

Hope this helps - happy shopping!


Red Wine Braised Short Ribs


Split Pea Soup